
Pristaulacus curryi Jennings, Austin & Stevens, 2004

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Type data
Type locality: Jarrahdale W. Aust., Ex E. microcorys, Feb 1974, S.J. Curry [Australia: Western Australia]
Type sex: female
Type repository: WADA, Australia, Western Australia, South Perth, Agriculture Western Australia, Western Australia Insect Collection
Taxonomic history
Pristaulacus curryi : Jennings, Austin & Stevens, 2004: 122 (original description)
Pristaulacus curryi: Jennings, J. T., A. D. Austin, and N. B. Stevens. 2004: 123-124
Name: curryi
Author, year: Jennings, Austin & Stevens, 2004
ICZN Group: species
Current combination:Pristaulacus curryi Jennings, Austin & Stevens, 2004
Original publication
Reference:Jennings, J. T., A. D. Austin, and N. B. Stevens. 2004. The aulacid wasp fauna of Western Australia with descriptions of six new species. Records of the Western Australian Museum 22:115-128.
Page validated on:122For reference only, there is no concept of page priority in the ICZN.
Page of first occurance:
Original combination
Genus: Pristaulacus
Record details
Last updator: Matt Yoder
Creator: Andy Deans
Created on: about 18 years ago
Last updated: 6 months ago
Existing Identifiers
Record has no attached identifiers.

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