
Aulacus burquei (Provancher, 1882)

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Type data
Type locality: St. Hyacinthe [Canada: Quebec]
Type sex: female
Type repository: ULQC, Canada, Quebec, University of Laval
Taxonomic history
Pammegischia burquei : Provancher, 1882: 303 (original description) female, deposited at [unknown], labels: "St. Hyacinthe", mx_id: 800
Pammegischia burquei: Provancher, A. L. 1882: 303 (genus transfer)
Aulacus burquei: Schletterer, A. 1890: 540
Name: burquei
Author, year: Provancher, 1882
ICZN Group: species
Current combination:Aulacus burquei (Provancher, 1882)
Original publication
Reference:Provancher, A. L. 1882. Faune Canadienne, Hyménoptères, Additions et Corrections. Naturaliste Canadien (Quebec) 13:289-311.
Page validated on:303For reference only, there is no concept of page priority in the ICZN.
Page of first occurance:
Original combination
Genus: Pammegischia
Record details
Last updator: Matt Yoder
Creator: Andy Deans
Created on: about 18 years ago
Last updated: 6 months ago
note, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
ref: Carlson, R. W. 1979.

cataloged, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
ref: Dalla Torre, C. G. d. 1902.

host(s), by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
notes: Xiphydria maculata in Acer sp.; also from wood of Carpinus caroliniana
ref: Deyrup, M. A. 1984.

note, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
ref: Kieffer, J. J. 1902.

description, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
ref: Schletterer, A. 1890.

locality record, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
notes: Virginia
ref: Smith, D. R. 1991.

seasonality, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
notes: flight records
ref: Smith, D. R. 1996.

illustrated, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
notes: figs. 13-15, 38
ref: Smith, D. R. 1996.

in key, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
notes: spp. of mid-Atlantic states
ref: Smith, D. R. 1996.

taxonomic note, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
ref: Townes, H. K. 1938.

redescribed, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
ref: Townes, H. K. 1950.

host(s), by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
ref: Townes, H. K. 1950.

cataloged, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
ref: Townes, H. K. 1951.

Existing Identifiers
Record has no attached identifiers.

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