
Evaniella compressa (Fabricius, 1804)

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Type data
Type locality: Habitat in America meridionali Dom. Smidt. Mus. Dom. Lund [ South America]
Type sex: male
Type repository: ZMUC, Zoological Museum, Entomology Department, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 København [=Copenhagen] Ø, Denmark
Taxonomic history
Evania compressa : Fabricius, 1804 (original description) syntype male, deposited at ZMUC, labels: "Habitat in America meridionali Dom. Smidt. Mus. Dom. Lund", mx_id: 421
Evania compressa: Fabricius, J. C. 1804: 178-179 (genus transfer)
Evania (Evania) compressa: Hedicke, H. 1939: 18 (genus transfer)
Evaniella compressa: Deans, A. R. 2005: 46
Name: compressa
Author, year: Fabricius, 1804
ICZN Group: species
Current combination:Evaniella compressa (Fabricius, 1804)
Original publication
Reference:Fabricius, J. C. 1804. Systema Piezatorum, Secundum Ordines, Genera, Species, Adiectis, Synonymus, Locis, Observationibus, Descriptionibus. Brunsvige, Apud Carolum Reichard. iii-xiv + 438 pp. + 1-30. [in Latin]
Page validated on:For reference only, there is no concept of page priority in the ICZN.
Page of first occurance:
Original combination
Genus: Evania
Record details
Last updator: Matt Yoder
Creator: Andy Deans
Created on: over 18 years ago
Last updated: 6 months ago
Type Specimen Images

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Existing Identifiers
Record has no attached identifiers.

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