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Taxonomic history
Evaniidae: (original description)
Name: Evaniidae
Author, year:
ICZN Group: family
Original publication
Reference:not provided
Page validated on:For reference only, there is no concept of page priority in the ICZN.
Page of first occurance:
Record details
Last updator: Matt Yoder
Creator: Matt Yoder
Created on: over 18 years ago
Last updated: 3 months ago

morphology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: larval biology and morphology

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago

host(s), by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago

in key, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: in key to Evanioidea of USSR

oviposition, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: oviposition behavior

key to species, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago

catalog, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago

habitus, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago

locality record, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: recorded in Peru
ref: Aguiar, P. G., K. G. Raven, G. Lamas, and I. Redolfi. 1994.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Al-Houty, W. 1989.

in table, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: in table of Hymenoptera taxonomy
ref: Al-Houty, W. 1989.

taxonomic note, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: in table of Hymenoptera taxonomy
ref: Al-Houty, W. 1989.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Alayo Dalmau, P. 1972.

key to genera, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: key to genera of Cuba
ref: Alayo Dalmau, P. 1972.

wing venation, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: fig. 3D wing venation
ref: Alayo Dalmau, P. 1972.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Askew, R. R. 1971.

biodiversity, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: evaniids collected in Mata Atlântica da Reserva Biológica de Duas Bocas
ref: Azevedo, C. O., and H. S. Santos. 2000.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Baltazar, C. R. 1962.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Baltazar, C. R. 1962.

in key, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: in key to Hymenoptera of the philippines
ref: Baltazar, C. R. 1962.

key to genera, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: key to the genera of the philippines
ref: Baltazar, C. R. 1962.

common name, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: common name ="ensign flies"
ref: Baltazar, C. R. 1962.

catalog, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: catalog of Philippine spp.
ref: Baltazar, C. R. 1966.

morphology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: antennal cleaner morphology
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., and D. L. J. Quicke. 1995.

antennal cleaner, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: antennal cleaner morphology
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., and D. L. J. Quicke. 1995.

phylogeny, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: fig. 9 in phylogeny
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., and D. L. J. Quicke. 1997.

note, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., and D. L. J. Quicke. 1997.

hamuli, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: 1568 [table 1 hamuli characteristics], 1569 [table 2 hamuli characteristics], 1579 [table 4 hamuli number]
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., and D. L. J. Quicke. 1997.

grooming behaviors, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., and D. L. J. Quicke. 1999.

phylogeny, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: 370 [fig. 7 in phylogeny], 372 [in phylogenies]
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., and D. L. J. Quicke. 1999.

sensillum, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: multiporous plate sensillum
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., and D. L. J. Quicke. 1999.

chemosensillum, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: table 2 chemosensilla characteristics
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., and D. L. J. Quicke. 1999.

fossil, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: fossil taxa discussed, fossil history, family limits
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., A. R. Rasnitsyn, M. G. Fitton, and D. L. J. Quicke. 2002.

synapomorphy, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: synapomorphies for family
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., A. R. Rasnitsyn, M. G. Fitton, and D. L. J. Quicke. 2002.

fossil, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., A. R. Rasnitsyn, M. G. Fitton, and D. L. J. Quicke. 2000.

evolutionary history, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., A. R. Rasnitsyn, M. G. Fitton, and D. L. J. Quicke. 2000.

synapomorphy, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., A. R. Rasnitsyn, M. G. Fitton, and D. L. J. Quicke. 2000.

phylogeny, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., D. L. J. Quicke, A. P. Rasnitsyn, and M. G. Fitton. 2000.

sensillum, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: on orbiculum
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., D. L. J. Quicke, A. P. Rasnitsyn, and M. G. Fitton. 2000.

orbicula, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., D. L. J. Quicke, A. P. Rasnitsyn, and M. G. Fitton. 2000.

fossil, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., M. G. Fitton, A. P. Rasnitsyn, and D. L. J. Quicke. 2000.

evolutionary history, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., M. G. Fitton, A. P. Rasnitsyn, and D. L. J. Quicke. 2000.

synapomorphy, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Basibuyuk, H. H., M. G. Fitton, A. P. Rasnitsyn, and D. L. J. Quicke. 2000.

morphology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: note on morphology, biology, European spp.
ref: Bürgis, H. 1989.

biology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: note on morphology, biology, European spp.
ref: Bürgis, H. 1989.

common name, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: "Hüngerwespen"
ref: Bürgis, H. 1989.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Benoit, P. L. G. 1952.

key to genera, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Benoit, P. L. G. 1952.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Bischoff, H. 1927.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Bischoff, H. 1927.

checklist, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: checklist of Israeli spp.
ref: Bodenheimer, F. S. 1937.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Börner, C. 1919.

phylogeny, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: 146[in phylogenetic tree as (((Evaniidae, Chalcidoidea), Stephanidae),other “Parasitica� )], 154 [discussion of relationship to other parasitic Hymenoptera]
ref: Börner, C. 1919.

morphology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Bradley, J. C. 1908.

taxonomic history, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Bradley, J. C. 1908.

phylogeny, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: discussion of relationships
ref: Bradley, J. C. 1908.

common name, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: common name= "ensign-flies"
ref: Bradley, J. C. 1908.

wing venation, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Bradley, J. C. 1908.

fossil, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: table 2 number of Cretaceous (Turonian) fossils from Botswana
ref: Brothers, D. J., and A. P. Rasnitsyn. 2003.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Brown, V. K. 1973.

catalog, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: catalog of tertiary species
ref: Brues, C. T. 1910.

biology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: Evaniidae are primitive and therefore parasitize wood-boring insects (at least ancestrally)
ref: Brues, C. T. 1921.

phylogeny, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: some braconid subfamilies related to Evaniidae
ref: Brues, C. T. 1921.

taxonomic note, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: Evaniidae {referring to Gasteruptiidae and Aulacidae?} classified in Ichneumonoidea
ref: Brues, C. T. 1921.

in table, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: in table II
ref: Brues, C. T. 1933.

fossil, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: Baltic amber fauna compared to present fauna
ref: Brues, C. T. 1933.

checklist, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: checklist to Baltic amber spp.
ref: Brues, C. T. 1933.

key to species, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: Baltic amber spp.
ref: Brues, C. T. 1933.

fossil, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Brues, C. T. 1933.

in key, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Brues, C. T., and A. L. Melander. 1932.

host(s), by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Cameron, E. 1957.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Cameron, P. 1887.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Carlson, R. W. 1979.

catalog, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: spp. catalog for North America
ref: Carlson, R. W. 1979.

morphology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: synapomorphy between Trigonalidae and Evaniidae
ref: Carmean, D., and L. Kimsey. 1998.

phylogeny, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: discussion of Evaniidae in Evaniomorpha
ref: Carmean, D., and L. Kimsey. 1998.

biogeography, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: note on biogeography
ref: Ceballos, G. 1966.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Clausen, C. P. 1940.

note, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
notes: mentioned in key couplet for "Parasitica"
ref: Costa Lima, A. M. 1962.

wing venation, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
notes: and general morphology relating to diagnostic characters
ref: Costa Lima, A. M. 1962.

bibliography, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
ref: Costa Lima, A. M. 1962.

in key, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Cresson, E. T. 1887.

morphology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Crosskey, R. W. 1951.

phylogeny, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: disscussion of family limits
ref: Crosskey, R. W. 1951.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Crosskey, R. W. 1951.

in key, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Crosskey, R. W. 1951.

biodiversity, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: collected in Eucalyptus
ref: Dall’Oglio, O. T., J. C. Zanuncio, C. O. Azevedo, and A. G. B. Medeiros. 2000.

biology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: collected in Eucalyptus stand
ref: Dall’Oglio, O. T., J. C. Zanuncio, F. A. Freitas, and R. Pinto. 2002.

oviposition, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: summary of oviposition times and activity
ref: Deans, A. R., and L. M. Roth. 2003.

taxonomic history, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
ref: Deans, A. R., and M. Huben. 2003.

biology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
ref: Deans, A. R., and M. Huben. 2003.

key to genera, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
ref: Deans, A. R., and M. Huben. 2003.

morphology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: discussion of fossil taxa and morphology, note on “jugal� lobe
ref: Deans, A. R., H. H. Basibuyuk, D. Azar, and A. Nel. 2004.

fossil, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: discussion of fossil taxa and morphology
ref: Deans, A. R., H. H. Basibuyuk, D. Azar, and A. Nel. 2004.

jugal lobe, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
ref: Deans, A. R., H. H. Basibuyuk, D. Azar, and A. Nel. 2004.

biodiversity, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
notes: two species recorded in Iraq
ref: Derwesh, A. I. 1965.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: evaniid spp. specialize in “egg cases of a particular size"
ref: Deyrup, M., and T. H. Atkinson. 1993.

biodiversity, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: diversity related to cockroach fauna
ref: Deyrup, M., and T. H. Atkinson. 1993.

host(s), by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: evaniid spp. specialize in “egg cases of a particular size
ref: Deyrup, M., and T. H. Atkinson. 1993.

phylogeny, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: figs. 2-15 phylogenetic placement in, Apocrita
ref: Dowton, M., and A. D. Austin. 2001.

phylogeny, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: fig. 2 phylogenetic placement in Evaniomorpha
ref: Dowton, M., A. D. Austin, N. Dillon, and E. Bartowsky. 1997.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Edmunds, L. R. 1953.

biological control, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Edmunds, L. R. 1953.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: all spp. are solitary
ref: Edmunds, L. R. 1953.

biology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: Evaniidae ancestrally were parasitoids, now specilaized egg predators
ref: Eggleton, P., and R. Belshaw. 1992.

key to genera, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Enderlein, G. 1905.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: larval biology and morphology
ref: Evans, H. E. 1987.

in key, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: in key to larval Hymenoptera
ref: Evans, H. E. 1987.

larva, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: 609 [in key to larval Hymenoptera], 668-669 [larval biology and morphology]
ref: Evans, H. E. 1987.

grooming behaviors, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: description of grooming behaviors
ref: Farish, D. J. 1972.

biology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: evaniids were collected in limestone caves
ref: Filho, D. Z., A. C. Ribeiro, G. C. Ribeiro, M. P. A. Fracasso, M. M. Pavani, O. M. P. Oliveira, S. A. D. Oliveira, and A. C. Marques. 2003.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Fisk, F. W. 1987.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: evaniids are primary predators on cockroach eggs in Australia
ref: Froggatt, W. W. 1906.

biology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: stabilizing selection maintains ootheca specialization
ref: Futuyma, D. J., and G. Moreno. 1988.

biogeography, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: estimated 30 (+/- 10) spp. in Costa Rica
ref: Gaston, K. J., I. D. Gauld, and P. Hanson. 1996.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Gauld, I. D., and B. Bolton. 1996.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Gauld, I. D., and B. Bolton. 1996.

in key, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Gauld, I. D., and B. Bolton. 1996.

morphology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: 1405 [pronotal lobe morphology], 1410 [mesothoracic spiracle morphology], 1422-1423 [mesotrochanteral depressor morphology],
ref: Gibson, G. A. P. 1985.

phylogeny, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: sister group relationships and phylogenetic evidence
ref: Gibson, G. A. P. 1985.

pronotum, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: pronotal lobe morphology, presence of posterior pronotal inflection
ref: Gibson, G. A. P. 1985.

spiracle, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: mesothoracic spiracle morphology
ref: Gibson, G. A. P. 1985.

morphology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: mesotrochanteral depressor
ref: Gibson, G. A. P. 1986.

biogeography, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: review of spp. in Canada
ref: Goulet, H. 1994.

fossil, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
notes: evolutionary history discussed; Fig. 11.13 Dominican amber fossil
ref: Grimaldi, D., and M. S. Engel. 2005.

habitus, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
notes: Fig. 11.12 (Evaniella sp.?)
ref: Grimaldi, D., and M. S. Engel. 2005.

biodiversity, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: synopsis of Indian taxa
ref: Gupta, V. K., and S. Gupta. 1979.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Györfi, J., and E. Bajári. 1962.

key to genera, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: key to the genera of Hungary
ref: Györfi, J., and E. Bajári. 1962.

biodiversity, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
notes: collected in Benin
ref: Hautier, L., S. Patiny, A. Thomas-Odjo, and C. Gaspar. 2003.

key to species, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: key to European
ref: Hedicke, H. 1930.

catalog, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: world spp. catalog
ref: Hedicke, H. 1939.

in key, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Hedqvist, K. J. 1973.

metapostnotum, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: fig. 27 mesofurca-metapostnotum complex]
ref: Heraty, J. M., J. B. Woolley, and D. C. Darling. 1994.

mesofurca, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: fig. 27 mesofurca-metapostnotum complex]
ref: Heraty, J. M., J. B. Woolley, and D. C. Darling. 1994.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Huben, M. 1995.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Huben, M. 1995.

key to genera, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Huben, M. 1995.

morphology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: notes on mid-coxal articulation
ref: Johnson, N. F. 1988.

listed, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: in classification
ref: Keeling, C. I., E. Plettner, and K. N. Slessor. 2004.

in table, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: table 1. Hymenoptera classification
ref: Keeling, C. I., E. Plettner, and K. N. Slessor. 2004.

catalog, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: catalog of Baltic amber spp.]
ref: Keilbach, R. 1982.

fossil, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: catalog of Baltic amber spp.]
ref: Keilbach, R. 1982.

key to genera, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Kieffer, J. J. 1904.

checklist, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: species checklist for Africa
ref: Kieffer, J. J. 1910.

morphology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Kieffer, J. J. 1912.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Kieffer, J. J. 1912.

key to subfamilies, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Kieffer, J. J. 1912.

morphology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
ref: Königsmann, E. 1978.

biology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: notes on morphology and biology
ref: Königsmann, E. 1978.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Kozlov, M. A. 1988.

key to species, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: key to Russian spp.
ref: Kozlov, M. A. 1988.

biogeography, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: note on distribution of family in former USSR
ref: Kozlov, M. A. 1988.

key to genera, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Kozlov, M. A. 1988.

fossil, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: note on fossil spp., survived cold Tertiary
ref: Larsson, S. G. 1978.

host(s), by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: table 1 host records
ref: LeBeck, L. M. 1991.

biological control, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: note on biocontrol potential
ref: LeBeck, L. M. 1991.

checklist, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: checklist of Belgian spp.
ref: LeClercq, J. 1948.

checklist, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: spp. checklist
ref: LeClercq, J. 1953.

checklist, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: in checklist of Czech insects
ref: Lukás, J. 1992.

key to species, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: key to Austrian spp.
ref: Madl, M. 1989.

cataloged, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: in catalog of beneficial insects in Nicaragua, diagnosed
ref: Maes, J. M. 1989.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: egg parasitization as link between Evanioidea
ref: Malyshev, S. I. 1966.

phylogeny, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: egg parasitization as link between Evanioidea
ref: Malyshev, S. I. 1966.

egg, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: egg shape
ref: Malyshev, S. I. 1966.

larva, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: description of larval instars after Genieys (1924)
ref: Malyshev, S. I. 1966.

checklist, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: checklist of Himalayan spp.
ref: Mani, M. S., S. Singh, V. K. Gupta, and H. N. Baijal. 1955.

biodiversity, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: in Goiás, Brazil
ref: Marchiori, C. H., and A. M. Penteado-Dias. 2002.

locality record, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: tables 1-2, collected in Araporã, Minas Gerais, Brazil
ref: Marchiori, C. H., M. H. O. Silva, B. M. C. Brito, O. M. S. Filho, and L. A. Pereira. 2003.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Mason, W. R. M. 1993.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Mason, W. R. M. 1993.

in key, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Mason, W. R. M. 1993.

wings, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: fig. b hind wing
ref: Mason, W. R. M. 1993.

habitus, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: 510 [figs. a,c habitus], 517 [fig. 188 habitus]
ref: Mason, W. R. M. 1993.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Maxwell-Lefroy, H. 1909.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Maxwell-Lefroy, H. 1909.

biology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: all spp. are solitary
ref: Mayhew, P. J. 1998.

checklist, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: checklist of Nigerian spp.
ref: Medler, J. T. 1980.

ecology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: listed as a resident of the tree ecological guild in Africa
ref: Moran, V. C., and T. R. E. Southwood. 1982.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Naumann, I. D. 1991.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Naumann, I. D. 1991.

in key, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Naumann, I. D. 1991.

biogeography, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: 930 [40 spp. in Australia], 941 [Australian fauna discussed]
ref: Naumann, I. D. 1991.

fossil, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: discussion of evaniids in amber
ref: Nel, A., A. Waller, G. Hodebert, and G. De Ploëg. 2002.

checklist, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: checklist of German spp.
ref: Oehlke, J. 1984.

biology, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
notes: egg predators
ref: Oquendo, V. A., R. G. Mexzón, and J. M. Urpi. 2004.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Pagliano, G. 1986.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Pagliano, G. 1986.

in key, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Pagliano, G. 1986.

biodiversity, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: evaniids collected in Mata Atlantica region of Brazil
ref: Perioto, N. W., and R. I. R. Lara. 2003.

biology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: evaniids collected in coffee plantation
ref: Perioto, N. W., R. I. R. Lara, A. Selegatto, and E. S. Luciano. 2004.

note, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: note on Hawaiian species
ref: Perkins, R. C. L. 1913.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: diagnosed for amber specimens
ref: Poinar, G. O. 1992.

fossil, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: diagnosed for amber specimens
ref: Poinar, G. O. 1992.

listed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Poole, R. W. 1996.

checklist, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: checklist of North American spp.
ref: Poole, R. W. 1996.

listed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: listed
ref: Quicke, D. L. J. 1997.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: table 5.2 pupation biology
ref: Quicke, D. L. J. 1997.

phylogeny, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: evidence against monophyletic Evaniodea]
ref: Quicke, D. L. J. 1997.

larva, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: table 5.2 pupation biology
ref: Quicke, D. L. J. 1997.

larval morphology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: table 6.2 rectal pad number
ref: Quicke, D. L. J. 1997.

pupa, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: table 5.2 pupation biology
ref: Quicke, D. L. J. 1997.

morphology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: eaniids lack ovipositor steering mechanism(s)
ref: Quicke, D. L. J., and M. G. Fitton. 1995.

biology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: evaniid larvae are parasitoids and predators of cockroach eggs
ref: Quicke, D. L. J., and M. G. Fitton. 1995.

morphology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: table 1 metal composition of mandibles and ovipositor
ref: Quicke, D. L. J., P. Wyeth, J. D. Fawke, H. H. Basibuyuk, and J. F. V. Vincent. 1998.

phylogeny, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: figs. 1A-B in phylogenies]
ref: Quicke, D. L. J., P. Wyeth, J. D. Fawke, H. H. Basibuyuk, and J. F. V. Vincent. 1998.

phylogeny, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Rasnitsyn, A. P. 1968.

phylogeny, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: evolution of evaniids and relationships to other Evaniomorpha
ref: Rasnitsyn, A. P. 1980.

listed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Rasnitsyn, A. P. 1988.

phylogeny, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: fig. 2 in phylogeny
ref: Rasnitsyn, A. P. 1988.

taxonomic note, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: family defined
ref: Rasnitsyn, A. P. 1988.

evolutionary history, by Andy Deans, over 17 years ago
ref: Rasnitsyn, A. P. 2000.

morphology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: compared to Andreneliidae
ref: Rasnitsyn, A. P., and X. Martínez-Delclòs. 2000.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Rey del Castillo, C. 1983.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Rey del Castillo, C. 1983.

key to species, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: spp. key for Spain
ref: Rey del Castillo, C. 1983.

checklist, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: checklist to spp. Israel
ref: Richards, O. W. 1955.

phylogeny, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: (Evaniidae, (Cynipidae, Chacidoidea))
ref: Ridley, M. 1993.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: Australian Fauna diagnosed
ref: Riek, E. F. 1970.

listed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Roman, A. 1917.

phylogeny, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: 26 [fig. 5 phylogenetic placement], 27 [fig. 6 phylogenetic placement], 28 [fig. 7 phylogenetic placement], 29 [fig. 8 phylogenetic placement], 30 [fig. 9 phylogenetic placement], 31 [fig. 10 phylo...
ref: Ronquist, F. 1999.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Roth, L. M. 1989.

ecology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: information on the ecological impact of evaniids on natural cockroach populations is lacking
ref: Schal, C., J. Y. Gautier, and W. J. Bell. 1984.

catalog, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: species catalog
ref: Schletterer, A. 1886.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Schletterer, A. 1889.

morphology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Schletterer, A. 1889.

taxonomic history, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Schletterer, A. 1889.

wing venation, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: figs. 6b-c fossil evaniid stigma
ref: Schlüter, T., and W. G. Kühne. 1974.

fossil, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: fig. 6a fossil evaniid habitus, figs. 6b-c fossil evaniid stigma
ref: Schlüter, T., and W. G. Kühne. 1974.

habitus, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: fig. 6a fossil evaniid habitus
ref: Schlüter, T., and W. G. Kühne. 1974.

listed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Schmiedeknecht, O. 1907.

listed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Schmiedeknecht, O. 1914.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Schmiedeknecht, O. 1930.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Schmiedeknecht, O. 1930.

in key, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Schmiedeknecht, O. 1930.

listed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Schwarz, M. 1994.

checklist, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: checklist of Czech spp.
ref: Sedivy, J. 1989.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Sedivy, J. 1989.

phylogeny, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: fig. 2 phylogenetic placement, fig. 3 phylogenetic placement, fig. 8B phylogenetic placement
ref: Sharkey, M. J., and A. Roy. 2002.

wing venation, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: notes on wing venation characters
ref: Sharkey, M. J., and A. Roy. 2002.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: evaniids (Evania) are the dominant predators of cockroach eggs, ootheca shell impenetrable so evaniid might use laterally compressed metasoma to enter through the keel and oviposit inside the ootheca
ref: Shelford, R. 1912.

oviposition, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: ootheca shell impenetrable so evaniid might use laterally compressed metasoma to enter through the keel and oviposit inside the ootheca
ref: Shelford, R. 1912.

metasoma, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: ootheca shell impenetrable so evaniid might use laterally compressed metasoma to enter through the keel and oviposit inside the ootheca
ref: Shelford, R. 1912.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: note that evaniids probably use laterally compressed metasoma to enter through the keel and oviposit directly into a (or many) cockroach egg(s)
ref: Shelford, R. 1916.

oviposition, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: note that evaniids probably use laterally compressed metasoma to enter through the keel and oviposit directly into a (or many) cockroach egg(s)
ref: Shelford, R. 1916.

metasoma, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: note that evaniids probably use laterally compressed metasoma to enter through the keel and oviposit directly into a (or many) cockroach egg(s)
ref: Shelford, R. 1916.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Short, J. R. T. 1978.

phylogeny, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: Evanioidea probably not monophyletic
ref: Short, J. R. T. 1978.

larval morphology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: larval morphology {based on Brachygaster minutus}
ref: Short, J. R. T. 1978.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Skaife, S. H. 1954.

listed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Skaife, S. H. 1954.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Skaife, S. H. 1954.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: evaniid eggs oviposited into cockroach eggs, with other eggs eaten after larva consumes first egg
ref: Smith, J. H. 1945.

oviposition, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: evaniid eggs oviposited into cockroach eggs
ref: Smith, J. H. 1945.

habitus, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: plate 172 dorsal habitus {E. appendigaster?}
ref: Smith, J. H. 1945.

catalog, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: catalog of Baltic amber spp.
ref: Spahr, U. v. o. n. 1987.

fossil, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: catalog of Baltic amber spp.
ref: Spahr, U. v. o. n. 1987.

key to species, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
ref: Spinola, M. 1840.

key to species, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: key to some indonesian species
ref: Szépligeti, G. 1908.

taxonomic history, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: note on "anal" lobe in wing
ref: Townes, H. K. 1949.

host(s), by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: "egg capsules of Blattidae"
ref: Townes, H. K. 1949.

phylogeny, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: dorsally attached metasoma acquired independently of other evanioids
ref: Townes, H. K. 1950.

metasoma, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: dorsally attached metasoma acquired independently of other evanioids
ref: Townes, H. K. 1950.

cataloged, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Townes, H. K. 1951.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Townes, H. K. 1951.

listed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Townes, H. K. 1958.

key to species, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Townes, H. K. 1958.

key to genera, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: key to local genera
ref: Townes, H. K. 1958.

in key, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Viereck, H. L. 1916.

key to genera, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Viereck, H. L. 1916.

cataloged, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: in catalog of European spp.
ref: Wall, I. 1994.

common name, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: common name=“Hungerwespen�
ref: Wall, I. 1994.

diagnosed, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Watanabe, C. 1934.

checklist, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: in checklist of Baltic amber fossils
ref: Weitschat, W., and W. Wichard. 1998.

fossil, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: 174 [note on spp. in Baltic amber], 186 [in checklist of Baltic amber fossils]
ref: Weitschat, W., and W. Wichard. 1998.

biology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: 2 evaniids tested negative for Wolbachia
ref: Werren, J. H., D. Windsor, and L. Guo. 1995.

morphology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
ref: Westwood, J. O. 1840.

biology, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
ref: Westwood, J. O. 1840.

listed, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
ref: Westwood, J. O. 1841.

oviposition, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: metasoma shape specialized for ovipositing into oothecae
ref: Westwood, J. O. 1854.

metasoma, by Andy Deans, almost 18 years ago
notes: metasoma shape specialized for ovipositing into oothecea
ref: Westwood, J. O. 1854.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Whitfield, J. B. 1992.

phylogeny, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: fig. 4 placement in Evaniomorpha
ref: Whitfield, J. B. 1992.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Whitfield, J. B. 1998.

in table, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: in table 1
ref: Whitfield, J. B. 1998.

metapostnotum, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Whitfield, J. B., N. F. Johnson, and M. R. Hamerski. 1989.

common name, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: common name="ensign flies"
ref: Williams, F. X. 1931.

biology, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
ref: Wolcott, G. N. 1948.

catalog, by Daniele Swetnam, almost 18 years ago
notes: catalog of Puerto Rican spp.
ref: Wolcott, G. N. 1948.

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